Global Certification Scheme Recognized Asset Management Credentials

 In keeping with its vision of "Globally Recognized Asset Management Credentials," World Partners in Asset Management (WPiAM) is developing a framework for professional credential alignment in Asset Management that professional bodies, post-secondary and training institutions around the world can align to over time.

The Global Certification Scheme plan will provide a laddered career path in asset management for those wishing to expand their abilities and improve their capacity to contribute to the success of the organizations they serve. This competency-based approach will enable firms to ensure that personnel they hire anywhere in the globe have the knowledge, abilities, and experience to apply asset management principles in a variety of scenarios.

With the implementation of this framework. 
WPiAM members are attempting to coordinate global efforts to develop, test, and recognize asset management expertise. To build a quality assurance system while recognizing the necessity for application variation. In the development of this expanding professional subject, each region's history and culture are taken into account.

The WPiAM will oversee the process of recognizing the equivalence of specific credentials. The organization will manage the process of recognizing individuals' accreditation to any of the WPiAM's framework credentials. That is the owner of the approved certification scheme. Each credential will require proof of education as well as evidence of practical application competence. More information will be released as it becomes available.

If you have any questions about how you or your organization can participate, please contact our Association Manager at

Also Read: What You Need To Know About Training And Assessor Course


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